Thanks to the development of the protocol generating induced pluriotent stem cells (iPSCs), scientists are now able to push on with research in tissue engineering, disease modeling and the reduction of animal testing according to the 3R principle.
StemGel develops the extracellular matrix for the cultivation and differentiation of iPSCs, based on a fully synthetic xeno-free scaffold.
Xeno-free origin
A non-animal derived extracellular matrix
StemGel mimics the extracellular matrix (ECM) using a fully synthetic, polymer-based hydrogel. Being xeno-free, it makes the pathway towards regenerative medicine using patient-derived stem cells accessible. Batch-to-batch variabilities in experiments for drug testing and disease research are highly reduced due to the chemically defined scaffold with a reproducible synthesis route.

Reversible Gelation
A thermo-switch for smooth cell harvest
When using StemGel, a thermo-switch between 25 °C and 37 °C enables reversible physical gelation, thereby offering a smooth external trigger for cell harvesting. No enzymes, pH changes or chemicals are needed.

Mechanical Tuning
An ECM for soft and stiff environments
Being a synthetic ECM, StemGel can be used to precisely adjust the mechanical properties of the hydrogel, enabling the differentiation of iPSCs requiring different viscoelastic surroundings.

Please feel free to contact us in case you are interested in the development of a tailor-made hydrogel matching your specific research needs.
Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG
Takustraße 3
14195 Berlin
(vertreten durch Lasse Riediger)Kontakt
Telefon: 030 838 56437
E-Mail: info@stemgel.deVerbraucherstreitbeilegung/Universalschlichtungsstelle
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Quelle: https://www.e-recht24.de